Trade your way to financial freedom with Tela Holcomb

Get Rich or Get Drunk Trying with stock trading expert Tela Holcomb

Learn more about Tela Holcomb and find her on Instagram here. Trade your way to financial freedom with the Trade Your 9-5 Program. The book’s recommend on this episode were Profit First and The Big Leap. Check out Stella Rosa Sparkling Wine here. Want more ideas on paying off your debt quickly, learn here. Follow…

Perseverance and the business of music with Vince Valholla.

Vince Valholla interview on the Get Rich or Get Drunk Trying Podcast

Catch up with Vince Valholla on Instagram or Twitter. Want to hear the hottest records from Valholla artist check this playlist out. See why the Miami New Times named Valholla the best record label. Curios to how your favorite artist are cash cows on streaming platforms? Get the scoop here. Find out why the music…

Commitment over motivation and why 2020 is still our year w/ Chiana Shipp

Get Rich or Get Drunk Trying Podcast episode 33 with Chiana Shipp

Connect with Chiana Shipp on Instagram Grab Chiana’s book A Dream Defined : A Workbook for Visionaries Drooling over those CBD Raspberry Lemon Drop Martinis? Here’s the recipe. This week’s classic opening song Every Little Step Make Your Bed by William McRaven. Qapital is our Get Rich Tip of the episode. Follow us on Twitter…